Whistler Show Services will be marshalling the loading bay, access lanes and unloading parking spaces for all exhibitors’ materials arriving at the facility from all carriers, couriers and passenger vehicles during the move-in and move-out event times.
Exhibitors arriving at venue during move-in hours must coordinate access to dock with on site service desk and pay for Cart Service if materials exceed Hand Carry Qualifications.
Exhibitors can call 1-877-938-4891 ext 1 to reach Event Manager when nearly arrived at venue.
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MANDATORY CART SERVICES and charges apply to exhibitors arriving via private vehicles with shipments that exceed what can be hand carried .(Requiring dollies, carts or other forms of wheeled apparatus).
WSS will receive and deliver to booth spaces all shipments that require handling (dollies, carts, rolling cases , pallets jacks, etc.) from all carriers and small private passenger vehicles arriving at the facility.
EXHIBITOR DOCK ACCESS via Privately Owned Vehicles | HAND CARRY
Accredited Exhibitors requiring entry via the freight entrance must check in with the services desk to coordinate their LOADING ACCESS (designated dock time and temporary loading parking).
Exhibitors arriving via private vehicles with display goods that qualify as HAND CARRY to the booth space are welcome to do so via the loading bay once Loading Access is assigned. If the empty containers exceed the available space in the booth and empty containers need to be removed, a storage fee applies
POST EVENT HANDLING charges are incorporated in the base material charges. An additional charge will apply if your selected carrier does not pick up materials during the posted move-out times.
Post Event Material Handling from Advanced Warehouse is to be picked up on the following business day to avoid additional storage charges
POST EVENT HANDLING | from Advance warehouse
POST EVENT HANDLING charges are incorporated in the base material charges. An additional charge will apply if your selected carrier does not pick up materials during the posted move-out times.
Post Event Material Handling from Advanced Warehouse is to be picked up by 15:00pm the following day to avoid additional storage charges.

The fine print:
Discarded Materials:
Any equipment, hand outs or materials left unpackaged and unlabeled at the end of the move out period will be considered garbage and disposed of in accordance to sustainable practices and a fee may apply if contents exceed 20 lbs.
Unclaimed shipment:
Any shipment left on the show floor at the end of the move out period will be returned to the Whistler Show Services warehouse at the exhibitor expense until such time as the shipper completes the requested pick up.
General Liability
Exhibitors and their representatives hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless “Show Management”, , he employees thereof and their representatives, agents, against any and all claims for loss, damage, theft or injury. Indemnification includes the period of storage prior to and immediately following the trade fair and exposition. The exhibitor, on signing the booth application, releases the foregoing from any and all claims for loss, theft, damage or injury.
Exhibitor Appointed Contractor Liabilities and Requirements
Exhibitors may employ the services of independent contractors to execute the supervision and installation & dismantle of exhibit properties under the following requirements: The contractor must have all business licenses, permits, liability insurance and workers compensation insurance required by the facility and the province of BC. The exhibitors must notify WSS of their intentions to utilize and Exhibitor appointed contractor 30 days prior to the move-in day.
Liability and Insurance
Exhibitors must carry their own fire, theft and liability insurance. Show Management shall take reasonable precautions to prevent losses and to protect the interests of exhibitors, however, under no circumstances will , The Conference Facility or WSSS be liable for such losses, however caused. In addition, the exhibitor upon registering agrees to hold harmless The Conference Facility and WSS any and all claims for loss or damage asserted against the aforementioned by any person as a result of, or in any way connected with, the wrongful acts or negligence of the Exhibitor